Friday, 29 October 2010

Space Temple #25

Space Temple has finally been accepted to a film festival. It failed to get into most of the festivals I entered it to. Of the thirteen I entered, there are three left which I've yet to hear from. I did get a few mails saying they liked my film and thought it looked professional but it didn't fit there program. SO I've been pretty down recently.

I found out yesterday that Space Temple has been accepted to the Euroshorts film festival in Poland.

The festival will have 4 screenings in Warsaw on November 22nd, 26th, 28th and 29th, then it will go on tour to 15 other cities of Poland.

In Warsaw the screenings will be held in Luna Film Theatre, National Film Museum Screening Room and Powiększenie Club.

The Schedule of events will be available at soon.

Here is a link to the catalogue I'm about three quaters down in the animation section (Kosmiczna świątynia umysłu Waywarda), reż. Ezra Allen Wooooo Hooooo!

It' funny to see the synopsis in Polish:
Kapitan Oren Metz odbiera sygnał alarmowy z niezbadanej
dotąd części Kosmosu. Odkrywa tam tajemniczą Kosmiczną
Świątynię, w której czekają na niego mroczne niespodzianki.
W filmie wykorzystano muzykę Modesta Mussorgskiego, Richarda
Wagnera, Igor Strawińskiego.

I am so relieved that it got into a festival. I thought that I would have to make do with just putting it on the internet. I'm so glad that it will make it to a cinema screen.

I expected Space Temple would have no problem getting into festivals and was actually worried about how much I would have to pay converting enough copies over to digi-beta for the screening (£25-30 a pop) but as time wore on and the rejections and silences rolled in (not all the festivals respond it just comes to the day of rekoning and you dont get the magic email). It's dawned on me that film festivals are a tougher nut to crack than I had first thought.


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